Eternalize [XB1] (Formerly known as Gradient) recruiting for Shadowkeep.
Hello Guardians, Eternalize is recruiting members again now that Shadowkeep is on the horizon. As its been in the past there has been a bit of a falling off with the player-base. Anyone feeling like their clan is dead or they want clan members more similar to their playing style and consistency we may have a place for you. Like all clans we have had our fair share of falloff but will be staying up to date and current on all new content both PvE, PvP as well as triumph hunting. Our clan is for people who have played this game for a long time and are looking for friends who know the game inside and out and play at level the shows that.
We will be requiring a few key things for prospective members such as K/D, Activity completions, time played Etc.
We ask that you satisfy a minimum of 4/5 of 6 of the following requirements.
-1.3+ PvP K/D
-1.8+ PvP KA/D
-50+ D2 Raid Completions
-8+ Clears on each D2 Raid.
-70k + Triumph Score
-1200 Hours Played on D2
These Requirements help insure you will fit in with our members. Our clan has transisioned in and out of being more PvP or PvE focused and depending on content. Therefore we require that PvP be a large part of our membership requirements.
Our clan has many unbroken members as well as members who haven't ever hit legend. We have members who 3-man raids and members who barely raid at all. No matter what aspect of destiny you are invested deeply in you can find a group.
As a Clan we will be organizing events such as raid races and tournaments both open and invite.
If you are interested in joining please message NEVO 6386 on XB1. Thanks for reading.