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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/9/2019 4:09:18 AM

How do I keep my item's power level's up?

Hi there, As the title says, how do I keep the power levels up in Destiny? I work hard to get many weapons and load outs that I really love, only to have them become useless after increasing in power level. I am a casual (and not so good) player, so please forgive me if what I ask is just stupid; but from what I have seen, I need a ton of valuable enhancement cores and other resources to infuse. With this, I can only keep maybe one exotic or something at a high power level. When I use a low power level item, it is almost useless in game. So basically I am asking if this is the way it is meant to be, or if there is a way to keep my load outs at a high power level. I know Shadowkeep changed a lot of things too; did it make it easier or harder to infuse?



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