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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Grays_KS27により編集済み: 9/18/2020 1:32:11 PM


For more of my posts, check out my [url=]Master Post[/url]. [b]TYPE: LIVE COMBAT FEED PARTIES: Two [2], One [1] Guardian-type, Class Warlock [u.1]; One [1] Guardian-type, Class Hunter [u.2] ASSOCIATIONS: City Perimeter; City, The; Devils, House of; Earth; Fallen; Pre-Golden Age, The //AUDIO UNAVAILABLE// //TRANSCRIPT FOLLOWS.../[/b] [u.1:01] It was a matter-encrypted file of a pre-Golden Age text. [u.2:01] And it was just lyin’ there? [u.1:02] Right. [u.2:02] Yeah, right, and I’m guessin’ the Devils just handed it over then sent you off with a smile? [u.1:03] Of course. [u.2:03] …You’re scary sometimes. [u.1:04] Heh, only sometimes? [u.2:04] So, what was it? The text? [u.1:05] Poetry, maybe. It seems to be some sort of legend. [u.2:05] I’m all ears. [u.1:06] It’s called The Very Hungry Caterpillar. [u.2:06] Wha- that sounds dumb. What’s a caterpillar? [u.1:07] It’s simple. Pure. Meant to be understood. I think it’s a lesson, or a philosophy. [u.2:07] Okay, let’s hear it, then. [u.1:08] A caterpillar hatches from an egg. It’s hungry. Each day it eats more and more and grows, until it becomes sick. [u.2:08] Then it dies? [u.1:09] No. Oddly enough, the story also has some focus on the days of the week and good eating habits. It may be more than I originally thought, perhaps teachings for a whole way of life. But the caterpillar is satiated. Then it becomes something else. Something more. [u.2:09] What? [u.1:10] A butterfly. [u.2:10] This story sucks. [u.1:11] Think about it! The caterpillar had a hunger that it needed to satisfy! What do you seek? What do you hunger for? Adventure? Glory? Reward? [u.2:11] What’s your point? [u.1:12] What happens when you satisfy your appetite? [u.2:12] That’s assuming a person can be satisfied. [u.1:13] Yes, yes. But what happens when you have consumed it all, or reached your limit? When you have so much that you must shed your skin and become something more. What do you become? Imagine me, starving for knowledge. Does a person not change as they learn? What forms will I take? And you, too, will change with your experiences. [u.2:13] Whoa. [u.1:14] We will become butterflies. [u.2:14] Wait, stop. Don’t compare me to a butterfly. [u.1:15] Why not? You see a butterfly as lesser? Small and frail? [u.2:15] …I’d say yes, but I know I’m about to hear a long- [u.1:16] Think of a butterfly as the next level. Think of how you wish to be better. When you become a butterfly, you will be all that is better. And the animal itself is truly amazing. Don’t you want to be like one? [u.2:16] I don’t want to be like a- [u.1:17] Don’t you? [u.2:17] Hey, don’t go mixin’ me up with that reverse psychology crap. An’ let me finish a sentence! [u.1:18] But you do want to be like a butterfly! Look at your cloak. It is like their wings. It can be camouflage, to hide with. It can be colorful, to attract. [u.2:18] I do enjoy looking frabjous… [u.1:19] A butterfly can open its wings to reveal the false gaze of a deadly predator, to intimidate. Some are coated in the brilliant colors of a thousand different poisons, a warning to all who would dare try to eat them. [u.2:19] Only you could find a way to make butterflies sound hardcore. [u.1:20] Do you want to be a butterfly now? [u.2:20] Didn’t you just tell me I’ve always wanted to be one? [u.1:21] The caterpillar is voracious, like us. It eats and eats, then becomes something beautiful. [u.2:21] So we want to satisfy our own hungers to become something greater than we are now? [u.1:22] And achieve peace, an end to all hunger. [u.2:22] Wow…but don’t butterflies have to eat, too? [u.1:23] Then there is something beyond a butterfly. [u.2:23] And if there isn’t? Or if we’re still hungry? [u.1:24] Then we’ll keep eating until we can’t go hungry. [u.2:24] Or we’ll starve to death.



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