What can we expect from Destiny on PS5 and Xbox Series X?
What can we expect from Destiny on PS5 and Xbox Series X? - Destiny 3
This is the year of the new console release, Playstation 5 (love the new logo!! lol) and Xbox Series X!!!
For PC players, this may not be very exciting, but for us console mains, we are jazzed to the max!
As a die hard Destiny fan boy, I have been wondering what we can expect from our favorite franchise...
- What are your guys' thoughts on backward compatibility and cross play? Wouldn't it be awesome if we could all tap into the entire player base (over 1 million each month) of gamers to play with?...
- What "next gen" enhancements are you guys looking forward to the most (4k, 60fps, faster load times, etc..)?
- What about Destiny 3, could it be a PS5 and Xbox Series X launch title and what are you guys hoping will be changed/improved/removed in D3?
I created a video that highlights some of my thoughts on this (see the link https://youtu.be/scw1YJajduE), let me know what you guys think below. I'm excited to hear what you guys are hoping Bungie will do with Destiny on the next gen systems.
Thanks for reading!