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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Snake_sellors-1により編集済み: 2/21/2020 12:14:08 PM

An idea on mechanics to help stop meta swing

Just a random musing but how about instead of having a constant nerf and buff pendulum, issues with season mods being needed but not applicable to exotics, 6 difference affinities on shields etc What about vulnerability mechanics on bosses and majors that can be changed or possibly cycle by the week for different weapon archetypes? Too many players always use whisper for everything.. ok, well this week bosses are vulnerable to hand cannons & sidearms You could go a little further and give them shields that resist other types if you really feel the need. I think that doing this would mean you don't need to apply seasonal mods to exotics anymore, you don't get a problem of one weapon being the go to for every activity, you wouldn't need constant pve nerfs, and at the same time players get to enjoy the strength of the "god tier" Weapons we all work so hard for Just seems like a good idea to me 🤷



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