Recently bungie emailed out a link to a short survey inviting players to talk about good and bad experiences they've had in destiny recently. I think that was a nice move and a good start.
In the future I think it would be wise to change a few things: first, alert people in the game or at [i]least[/i] in the app that the survey is happening.
Things to include in the next survey:
how long have you been playing destiny
Did you skip any seasons/DLCs? Which ones?
What has been your favorite season in destiny 2?
Favorite activity to do regularly? What activities do you avoid and why?
What is your matchmaking experience like?
Favorite and least favorite pve and pvp metas?
What weapons/archetypes do you think are too strong? Too weak?
What do you like or not like about the current mod system?
What do you think about the current gameplay loop? What was your favorite gameplay loop?
Then- and this is the most part- share what kind of feedback you're receiving. We hear you [bungie] say that you "hear us" and that you're "passing on feedback" but as you know, the community largely doesn't [i]feel[/i] heard. This would be a huge step in showing you hear us.
These questions are just a few I thought of based on recent forum discussion. Please feel free to share your recommended questions below
Edited for spelling error
Also you could give a small powerful reward to those who take the survey as an incentive to get the most data
Been playing destiny since destiny 1 which was my brother's fault as he got me hooked on the game and been around destiny 2 from the beginning never missed a dlc or season started out on Xbox one back in destiny 1 and for a while on destiny 2 the moved over to PS4 unfortunately when I moved over the cross save was not available 3 years ago so had to start from scratch since then have over ten titles two of which I'm very proud of ravensbane and unbroken only thing that dose disappoint me is how every iron banner lately is reskin after reskin and same this season which is a huge disappointment only new thing in iron banner this season will be pinical bow and for normal PvP reskin and same with vanguard bungie need to be creative and start giving new sets for PvP and vanguard and iron banner as well as weapons give us all something to want to grind for. Fingers crossed bungie listen and sort something out
TheArtistにより編集済み: 3/16/2020 1:27:19 PMI think your suggestions for the survey in terms of questions are [i]brilliant.[/i] But notifying the entire player base that this surveying is going on is potentially a bad idea. One of the challenges of measuring any thing is that the act of measuring it [i]disturbs[/i] it and can prevent you from seeing what your looking for. One of the biggest problems Bungie has with this player base is that everyone wants something different, and the demands we make are often contradictory. So Bungie needs to figure out who are the major factions, what do they want, and which ones do they need to listen to, and which ones they can tune out. And those selective surveys may be a part of that effort, and the whole player base being brought into this may prevent them from talking to the part of the player base they want to assess on a clear channel.
[quote]Things to include in the next survey: how long have you been playing destiny Did you skip any seasons/DLCs? Which ones? What has been your favorite season in destiny 2? Favorite activity to do regularly? What activities do you avoid and why? What is your matchmaking experience like? Favorite and least favorite pve and pvp metas? What weapons/archetypes do you think are too strong? Too weak? What do you like or not like about the current mod system? What do you think about the current gameplay loop? What was your favorite gameplay loop?[/quote] Lol xD Seriosly, if all of those things where omitted in the servey, what the hell DID they ask for? [quote]How much have you spent in Eververse this year, and why haven't you spent more?[/quote] or what? xD