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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/27/2020 3:21:43 PM

Fix Crucible while enhancing the PvE experience

I know a lot of you are probably just as frustrated as I am about how boring the game can get, and how annoying it can be in the crucible when you keep getting killed by that same OP exotic over and over. So I'm just going to go straight to the point and say here's my solution: Disable exotics in PvP. Now I know for some of you crayon munchers out there this would be quite tough to accept and get used to, but whether you admit it or not PvP is supposed to be about skill and co-ordination, be that on your own or as a team, not whoever fires Hard Light first. I'm sure a lot of you would claim I'm just salty because I cant handle going up against full comp teams using Hard Light, and you would probably suggest the solution of just using it myself. But crucible should not pressure you into using specific exotics or meta weapons in order to win, it should encourage you to practice and train with your random-rolled weapon to out-skill your opponents. I feel like with exotics available, this will never be the case. And yes, Bungie could just nerf these weapons but why should they? The main focus of the game is the PvE content. Nerfing these powerful exotic weapons would ruin their use in PvE, which would cause more people to stop playing. Something that everyone has always thought about, and surely wanted at some point, was maybe a perk or mod or artifact that allows you to equip an extra exotic, be that a weapon or armour piece. This would make for some incredible PvE builds, and make the game more fun as PvE is literally about becoming more powerful as a guardian. PvP, however, is not about being more powerful, but about being more skilled in guardian-on-guardian combat. And if we had the ability to equip an extra exotic, the Crucible would just be a mess, and so Bungie wouldn't be able to add it in without scaring even more people away. But if they disabled exotics in the crucible, it would make PvP more skill-based while allowing for more possibilities in the game in regards to exotics and their perks without the risk of breaking competitive play. Now even if you are on-board with this idea, you might be wondering "What about Gambit?". Well if Bungie keep it in, I feel like exotics aren't entirely necessary in the PvE area, and are most definitely used far too often when invading, and so disabling them in Gambit could be a good idea too. Although there is also the suggestion that they could keep exotics enabled in Gambit to add that extra level of threat with invaders, and so Gambit would become the only PvP activity where exotics are allowed to be used, most likely increasing the amount of people who play it. My point is, if Bungie keep allowing PvP and PvE to be tied together, impacting either one when the other needs a weapon or perk nerfed, the game will forever keep disappointing people on both sides, ruining the overall experience of the game itself. With just the simple feature of disabled exotics in PvP activities, a small barrier would be made between PvP and PvE, allowing for powerful items to be made without caution to how they would affect other players, removing the need for "balance" with future exotics. Let me know if you agree, or if you have any other suggestions and points to add or change. I really think this could be a good idea for Bungie to try, and would love to hear your point of view on the subject.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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