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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
LessCoolDeadPoolにより編集済み: 6/12/2020 10:03:19 PM

Spooky scary skeleton aliens

He pulled his trigger three times into the vast empty rolling surface of the moon. He heard explosions and gun fire all around him, but couldn't figure out what went wrong until it hit him. It being the broad side of a hive knight's sword, he was sent ten feet directly into a boulder and died on impact. Laurian laughed hysterically at his guardians utter foolishness. "All that talk.." He started as he booted his revive programs. "And you get booted the first five sec-" Immediately as the guardian stood, he irradiated electric malice. Kaize, was pissed. He bolted towards the knight drawing his dagger and slicing the knights sword in twain. In a second fluid motion he used the lightning speed to his advantage and separated the knight and 3 acolytes from their mortal coils. "You pointed me in the wrong direction, dinklebot.." he stated coldly as the storm subsided. "One. By the way." It seemed as if those were the welcoming party, for when they fell, almost as if on que, a rumble started, deep beneath the lunar crust. Upon a quick glance kaize had realized he was surrounded by guardians but there were no more hive. Then they came... 30,000, 40,000... a mass of thrall hands burst forth from the ground beneath their feet. At this moment, he ran, climbed over guardians, he did not look back. He came to the edge of the battle, and the shakes grew stronger, sending each step off kilter, every bone on sand. The ground had been so decayed from hive rot and the sudden activity sent everything tumbling, the ground was cracking, they where going to drop them. Kaize grabbed the closest guardian to him and rolled away as everything, everyone else fell. "Wouldn't go that way, straight into the mouth of hell.." kaize uttered as he clutched the hunter. He mourned briefly, he was in no way a hero or even what he thought was a true guardian, could he have saved more, could he have made a difference fighting the hordes of the underworld? He started walking away, he was done with this place. As he was walking to his transmat beacon he noticed a thrall, gnawing on some poor dead ghost. Without a second thought he rammed his knife into the husk's skull without a second thought. Even as it exploded he felt no shame. As his body flew charred and broken through the air for the second time on this cursed moon. "2...not a word. My ship... now."



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I would like to point out I realized the odd "btw the way," thing. The only possible explanation I have is that was a mild aneurysm. I'm going back through all of my #Guardiantales to see if anymore of that slipped through. Also I'm doing a backstory for my hunter right now, after I feel like I've given him decent placement then I will go to my titan and my warlock respectively. Thanks for the likes and support I'm not a very good writer but it's something that helps pass the time and keep my mind off some pretty iffy stuff, and that counts for something at least to me. So thank you.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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