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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
6/14/2020 5:53:01 AM

New Light quests are pointless and annoying for regular players

I have been playing destiny 2 since launch. Recently picked it back up and nothing changed enough for me to be hand held through it. Recently made a hunter and a warlock, both had to do the new light quests. I said fine and did them all on my hunter, about halfway done on my warlock. I just now deleted my hunter because I wanted to change her face. And wouldnt you guess it? Right to square one. I knew this was gonna happen to all you snarky commenters. This is so annoying because I need to put in 8-10 hours to get rid of all these stupid quests, and that's working at max efficiency. Please just make it so I dont have to do these if I've played the game at all in the past 3 months or something because this is super annoying. Thank you Bungie <3



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