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7/17/2020 12:25:53 PM

[PC] Looking for a friendly Clan

Hi there, I am a returner and overwhelmed with the changes in the game. Never really found access to a clan that was for my playstyle. [b]What I can offer: [/b] • Noobish game style • Absolutely no aim • Someone who stays or comes back after some time (never really leaves) • A person who loves lore, but still does not understand all • Fresh 750 • Warlock • Likes discord, hates Teamspeak Rarely can speak (if I ever come to the joy of joining a clan that does dungeons, of course, I can join the talk.. or even just playing... but mostly I want to play the game to calm down and enjoy some action - besides my family life (have a 1 year 5 months old daughter which is time consuming). If I did not scare you away, I am happy to join a nice Clan (that understands all above) and accepts it. My style would be "Casual" or "sloth-like gamer" - I am not online 24/7! Can speak: german/english [armory]KeRoRo for Beast Roll[/armory]
#clan #Clans #Search



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