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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
8/9/2020 11:10:08 AM

Interference mission completion ends with no reward from recaster

Yesterday I was helping a clan mate out with some powerfuls (cause they barely get to play during the week) and one of the things we did was the Means to an End weekly quest. I was party leader, we finished the Interference quest, spoke with Eris. After she talked, my mission end timer came up. He mentioned that he could KEEP speaking to her, which made sense because he has missed doing this every week. I believe he spoke to her at least once more and asked if he had to keep doing it, but I told him I didn't think so and we could just go back to the tower and get our loot. Go back to the tower and the recaster has nothing for him. Just a plain green icon on his map. Nothing in his postmaster. No reward, period. Anyone else seen this?



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