[b]TL;DR Is the Wayfarer's Destination Seal staying after Beyond Light releases, as the only thing I need to do to get it is on the Dreaming City, which is not being put in the DCV?[/b]
Currently, I am very close to having everything done on the Destinations seal.
All I need is the IKELOS SMG from Escalation Protocol and the Secret Victories emblem and I will have it finished.
Getting the IKELOS SMG won't be a problem to get before November 10th, but I worry about the emblem.
Since emblem variants are no longer a thing, the only way I can unlock this emblem is to finish all 6 ascendant trials.
From what I know, if you mess up in an ascendant challenge and fail it, that's it for the whole week. I have barely enough time before November 10th to have at least 1 go at each Ascendant Challenge before the release of Beyond Light.
My question is: if the only content I need to do left for the seal is on a destination that will still exist after Beyond Light comes out, will I still be able to complete the challenges post-release and get the title, or are they straight up removing the seal altogether?
Even if the stuff you need to finish on a seal is on a non-vaulted destination, the seal will still be vaulted when Beyond Light drops. This is an issue with Chronicler too since most people just need to Truth to Power, hence why there were so many posts about it at one point. You can redo an Ascendant Challenge as many times as you want that week regardless if you succeed or fail. You just won't get additional rewards if you successfully complete it more than once. I would also recommend talking to Toland in each challenge, though I'm not sure if he has anything to do with the emblem.
Unfortunately you will no longer be able to complete this seal / title once Beyond Light is released. Please see the following TWaB for the details on the changes coming to the Triumphs / Titles [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/49507[/url]
The TWAB a couple weeks ago confirmed that Wayfarer title will not be earnable after beyond light drops.