I'm trying to get Divinity but can never find a full fireteam that kwtd for this encounter (I was on boss team). Any tips for shooting its eyes solo? I've seen sniper rifles shoot all three eyes, so would a slug Shotgun work? Any other tips?
Hey! I’ve got a couple tips that could help.
1. Extend the voltaic timer. As you pick up the hairball(that’s what I call the voltaic), wait for it to pulse three times before picking it up. This will extend the length of time before the next drop by about three seconds, and three seconds matters a lot for the mote team.
2. Slugs are your Best Friend! The best is the First-In Last-Out from the Drifter Umbrals, as it can get Assault Mag. If you don’t have that, you can pull the Unification (year one slug with full auto) or just use the Chaperone. They do the damage of snipers without the zoom. With it you can solo break all three eyes, but I would still get other people to help. It’s kinda annoying to do, but not impossible.
3. For the dps phase, a great strat is to wait to break the final eye until everyone is ready. There’s a time limit, but it’s pretty lengthy, and very lenient. Also, if you don’t get it done one week, just run fresh runs of the raid without the div puzzles to get the chests, and shoot for the <Enhanced Relay Defender> mod. Having for of those on during a damage phase is +40% damage for the first bit of the damage phase, and it stacks with Well/Weapons of Light.
Hope that helped! Good luck!