So I have this issue or maybe just a gripe with the bounties and I makes sense storywise so stick with me for a moment please...
We live in a world with intersellar travel with possible communication from one side of the solar system to the other... Super advanced stuff right!? BUT, To get your bounties, you have to load on the tower, walk to the dude that will LITERALLY communicate with you on the strikes targeted by those bounties (yeah that's you Zavala!) and click them said bounties one by one to add them in your "bounty page"...
Why not make the bounties already aquired each week in some kind of "bounty log" have them refresh everyday for the dailies and every week, the whole thing refreshes. I'm sure Zavala has other things to do than speak with thousands of guardians and give them bounties one at a time. Make it like an Email or an automated system!
Once they're done, sure you go to the tower to get your rewards and give the strike tokens, the goal is not to render the tower useless but to streamline the process of aquiring bounties every day and what not! I can even suggest a UI for the bounties but give me a little bit of time for that! :P
I hope I was clear on my suggestion, english is not my first language so pardon the TERRIBLE mistakes! What do you guys think?