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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
369happtimeにより編集済み: 12/2/2020 8:25:01 PM

Gyro aiming and rumble with a controller

That's pretty much my request in a nut shell. I primarily play shooters including the destiny with Gyro style aiming with a controller. On pc that means I'm using steams built in features to emulate M&K inputs (before anyone says it I know that you can have the Gyro emulate stick movements, but I don't like it and didn't find it to be very accurate). Currently it seems that simultaneous mouse and keyboard and controller inputs are disabled. Which ultimately makes it so that I cannot have rumble while using my Gyro aim configuration. This isn't necessarily the biggest loss, but it's a feature I enjoy and would like to be able to use. I think there are several possible solutions here. The easiest ones I can think of would either be enable simultaneous controller/M&K except for stick style aiming and mouse style aiming or enable simultaneous inputs for all as a setting that would also disable stick friction aim assist. Other options might include: direct in game support for Gyro aiming, or a setting to enable sending rumble input ques even when M&K inputs are being sent.



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