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12/5/2020 12:26:44 PM


[i]Hell. Or the shell really. After the former Lord of Hell decided to go up and die, most people left in a hurry, as they had lost the protection of a rather impressive navy and military. Keria walked the streets of the abandoned hellcity, as she felt the presence of people that were once there, she could glean the distress, the fear of losing what was a near lawless place, but hey, it was home. All that was left was the occasional insane prisoner from the Infinity Vault, or a refugee that didn’t get the message. Hell wasn’t safe anymore. As Keria had flew the Sugar Wraith, her heavily modified SR-71 Blackbird through the border just for old times sake, she shot down a few Zygerrian slavers that came there looking for refugees. Looking down onto the first hellcity, the largest in fact, she felt that she did not deserve, or need the mantle of a Grey Lady. But it was who she was now. One way or another. [/i] “I wonder why Sylver picked me. I should ask later.” [i]She had been sitting on the pinnacle of what was once called the Citadel in Hell. A tower of blinding white stone bricks, it was a stark contrast to the black and red lava flats surrounding the building. As she was thinking, she realized something she had not accepted yet. No matter how much she loved her father, the former lord of Hell Alexander Crowley, she was never out from behind his shadow,...wait. [b]Corona[/b], was a better word, until he died. Then she found out who she was. And that was why she had decided to destroy the bones of her birthplace, so long ago. She flicked her hand, and a monstrous tentacle of Null sprouted out of the ground, disintegrating everything it touched. Deciding one would take too long, the tentacle broke into splinters, melting through the obsidian plains and the red stone cliffs that made up this dimension of hellishness. [/i] [i] It was done. Several days though it took, but in the end Nothing surrounding her, she felt a sort of pyrrhic closure. Closure to her former home. Closure to an interstellar empire that collapsed in a decade. Closure to Keria Crowley, the Daemon princess who never wanted a throne. [/i] Epilogue: [i]I laugh and close the dusty book, it’s red leather cover clasping shut as it floated back onto the shelf. [/i] “Didn’t expect that did ya? Well neither did I. Back to subject. And so ended the Hell Saga, an ill-conceived plan for power, money, and freedom made by yours truly. Alexander Crowley.”, [i]I stare right at you with my red eyes, the snake pupils blazing brighter then the fireplace behind the armchair I am sitting in. [/i] [spoiler]If anyone can’t tell, this is not a sample of my best writing! I wrote this to wrap up my messy origins in Offtopic RP and I’m rather glad to have purged about all traces of it. Of course this tag would care to dispute, but there are a few more things left over. Toodles! [/spoiler]



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