Now I’m not talking as a permanent addition to the game but the same as it always was. A 3 week long event for the dawning for some special gear unique to the contest.
It’s a nice break from constant grinding, and mixes things up a little.
Plus it’s not like it has to be the only event going on.
Note: Just because I feel like someone is going to immediately say it, no I don’t think they should stop focusing on bugs or crucible changes, or revamping strikes etc etc.
these are all things that should happen but that’s long term game. Having an old event come back once a year isn’t going to throw the possibility of everything else happening out the window.
Given the thin loot pool, sunsetting & vaulting, this is not a good way to deploy resources. I'd take 1 new strike over SRL every time 👍
why? you'd get a bunch of people complaining about how it's just recycled content
They’ve gone over this but with current work force and the way they have to work from home. It would just not be a good time investment for them. Think about how large the srl tracks in d1 were. Completely unique areas that were massive and had unique assets in them. That’s all great but it was all for a single activity that was around for 3-4 weeks a year. It just wouldn’t be a smart idea. Granted with that if they aren’t making that other stuff should be there to make it up like idk a new crucible map would be nice. Even a revamped d1 map at this point ( floating gardens when)
Bring it back, with a few weapons on your Sparrow Has best Xmas playing SRL, and the Forklift of doom!