Healing Rift | Empowering Rift |
Burst Glide | Strafe Glide | Blink |
[b][u]MELEE ABILITIES[/u][/b]
[b][u]Devour[/u][/b]: (REVAMPED)
Kills with this melee ability fully regenerate your health, & grant an over shield. (Overshield health sits at around 45, for 8 seconds)
[b][u]Entropic Pull[/u][/b]:
Charged melee hits drain your opponents life force, to restore a large portion of your grenade ability.
[b][u]Atomic Breach[/u][/b]:
Charged melee hits lunge your opponent away, & fill them with void light - causing them to explode.
Vortex | Axion | Scatter |
Vortex | Cataclysm | Nova Warp |
:: [i]Can only hold 2 at a time[/i] ::
[b][u]Dark Matter[/u][/b]:
Ability kills restore a portion of your grenade | melee | rift | health.
[b][u]Insatiable Hunger[/u][/b]: (REVAMPED)
Overcharged ability final blows (I.e handheld | overcharged grenades | super ability) activate a timer & fully restore your health. Each kill while the timer’s present will reset your timer, & continue to fully restore your health.
+20 Resilience
[b][u]Bloom[/u][/b]: (REVAMPED)
Void ability kills will fill the enemy with Void Light, & cause a concussive explosion.
+10 strength
[b][u]Embrace The Void[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Gain a substantial increase to your movement speed, & health regeneration for each fully charged ability. That includes your grenade | melee | rift. 1x stacked increase for each ability charged.
+10 recovery
+10 mobility
[b][u]Cosmetic Collapse[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Restore a large portion of both your grenade & melee abilities, when critically wounded.
-15 disciple
-15 strength
:: [i]Can only hold 1 at a time[/i] ::
[b][u]Handheld Supernova[/u][/b]:
Hold your melee ability to fill it with void light. Release to throw a flurry of horizontal spheres to vaporize your opponent.
Hold your grenade ability to fill it with void light. Release to throw a more powerful variation of your grenade ability.
[b][u]Unholy Devour[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Hold your grenade ability to consume it, & gain a significant portion of your super ability.
-10 Intellect
-10 discipline
[b][u]Chaotic Combustion[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Fill yourself with void light, to trigger a massive void explosion upon death.
+20 intellect
[b][u]Abyssal Sacrifice[/u][/b]: (NEW)
Forsake your super ability, to gain an additional melee | grenade | rift. Your additional abilities will always be enhanced - via damage & duration, when fully charged.
+10 discipline
+10 strength
+10 recovery
:: Check out the Arc Subclass Rework [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/258067569/0/0]Here[/url] ::
:: Check out the Solar Subclass Rework [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/258078238/0/0]Here[/url] ::
:: Check out the Ice Breaker Rework [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/259319590/0/0]Here[/url] ::
1 返信
Thanks for taking the time to do this, the list looks great. Hopefully they take your ideas and make them reality.
All of this sounds really cool, my 2 cents on some things. For bloom, Instead of having players blow enemies up in void with ability kills, make it so ANY void kill triggers the explosion and make it chain explosions the way sun shot does. This would pair really nice with nezarecs sin and a few other exotics like graviton lance, hard light etc. As for the supers, we need a way to shoot lance nova bomb. Slova bomb even with tracking sucks and vortex has always sucked even on D1.
TAG_IRON_SPIDER_により編集済み: 1/12/2021 10:26:44 PMGuardian love your ideas, can do dawnblade warlock next hopefully having wonderful day 😎
No. And this is coming from warlock main. Feel free to lookup my hours on each character. My GT LI-3DOT-IL Should the changes you've suggested be implemented, after a week or so the entire void subclass would be neutered as bungie's proven track record. Looking at you novawarp and stasis. At least bungie rebuffed stasis quickly this time round. I feel novawarp never recovered. The only thing I feel that needs changes to voidwalker class is better tracking for axion bolts and simply ANYTHING to buff scatter grenade. I also feel that deploying a healing rift should give 30 health on deployment in general as it's called healing rift. Not 'begin health regen rift'. But that could just be me being pedantic about the name. I also feel that empowering rift should retain the buff for no more than 3 secs once stepping out of the rift: there's nothing more annoying then trying to line up a shot and stepping just outside the rift for a moment to fire a shot and then realising that the empowerment was not proced due to being outside of it for a second or two. But that's just me.
Good stuff! I like the idea of moving Handheld to a melee. The rework of Devour is great too; full health and an overshield? Oh hell yes!
Man I love warlock void. Ur some of this stuff would be hella op. Loving the concepts though, keep it up!
I really like this idea! Maybe I’ll try the hunter subclasses and see what I come up with, unless you already did those
Chaotic combustion would make pvp players rage for sure, but I do like last one since it reminds me of my favorite ROI artifact from d1 and d2 artifacts are sad by comparison. I could see some merit in quite a few of these, but I doubt overshield or many of the bonus stats would happen if they took many things from these.