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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
3/3/2021 11:58:21 AM

An idea for a buff/changes for ColdHeart

Hello guardians. I am moth bot and definitely not Eremis in disquase with an idea (pardon my grammar) in the new expansion Beyond Light we're we Face the magnificent Eremis and her new found power of Statis that allows the fallen to change thier fate and we used her new found power against her STATIS. Knowing this, mind if i remind you all with an exotic with a frozen name 'ColdHeart' the exotic Trace Rifle this is an Ark damage weapon. I'm sure one or two guardians forgot about this gun i mean the only trace rifle being used is divinity with this i proposed a change. First the weapon changed form an Ark Trace Rifle into an Statis Trace Rifle. Second the change into its intrinsic perk Cold fusion currently its says "This weapons shoot a steady cold fusion-powerd laser" the perk name will be Changed into Frozen fusion : This weapons shoot a liquidized statis Crystal in a steady flow of laser. The third change would be its exotic perk Longest Winter into Coldest Winter and add the effect of freezing the target that have been shoot for long enough ( by long enough i meant 3,5 second and 4,5 second in the Crucible ) The catalyst can be the same but also the weapon deal extra damage to target effected by statis. this changes would bring another trace rifle to the Boss Dps meta and also bring back the weapon form dust it been collecting let me know your opinion on my ideas and who knows bungie is working on this kind of weapon. (And yes i know the lore probably need to change but hey its an idea)



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