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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
3/11/2021 5:38:02 PM

Bounty Hunter Daily Reset Write-Up for 3.11.21

Today we’re looking at the Strikes playlist, including the Nightfall: The Ordeal for this week (The Insight Terminus) With the Weekly reset we now have five Seasonal challenges dealing specifically with strikes: Week 1: Dominance Operandi - Fallen - Defeat Fallen, especially tougher foes Week 2: Dominance Operandi - Cabal - Defeat Cabal bosses Week 3: Challenge Our Foes - Complete playlist strikes Week 4: Vanguard Chosen - Complete Nightfall: The Ordeal on Hero difficulty or higher Week 5: Ultimate Champion - Defeat Champions in any Nightfall: The Ordeal strikes. Earn bonus progress at higher difficulty tiers. Some other Seasonal Challenges to keep in mind are: Golden Reaper (Retroactive Challenge) - Acquire Cabal gold Week 1: Challenger’s Aspirations - Complete weekly playlist challenges Week 2: The Bigger They Are - Defeat Elite or Boss Cabal anywhere in the system Week 4: Sling the Stone - Stagger, pierce, or disrupt Champions Completing three strikes from the playlist using a subclass that matches the weekly burn (Void this week) will take care of the Strike Playlist weekly challenge Completing Nightfall: The Ordeal strikes will progress its Weekly challenge. Higher difficulties grant the most efficient progress. Completing a Nightfall with a score above 100,000 completes that Weekly challenge Completing 8 Vanguard Daily and Repeatable bounties completes the Vanguard Service challenge With all that said, let’s dig in: Today’s modifiers are Void Singe, Brawler, and Iron. Check the Nightfall strike for the different modifiers that are available this week for it. [b][u]Suggested Loadout[/u] [/b] Go Combat Bow, Sniper Rifle, and Pulse Rifle in your kinetic and energy slots. Bring a Linear Fusion Rifle for your power weapon. (Arbalest might be better for this) Make your weapons Void and Solar Get those melee ability, precision, finisher, and super kills This covers all of Banshee’s, the War Table’s, and Zavala’s bounties for the day. [b]Rewards: [/b]An estimated 72,000 XP 20 Vanguard Tokens 8 Mod Components and 4 Enhancement Cores Progress on Zavala and Banshee’s Weekly Bounty Challenges If you need that extra XP boost, be sure to pick up Banshee and Zavala’s Repeatable bounties. Repeatables also contribute to their respective Weekly Bounty challenges. [b][u]Nessus Bounties: [/u] [/b] If you’re heading into the Nightfall today (3/11/21) be sure to pick up Failsafe’s Cabal or Nothing and Sol Sure. All you need is Cabal and Solar kills. Each bounty rewards 6,000 XP and Microphasic Datalattice. [b][u]Other Planetary Bounties: [/u] [/b] For any other strike today you can work on the following from each planet’s respective vendor: [b]Variks (Europa) [/b] - Europan Sunrise - Fallen Solar kills - Vex Shock - Vex Arc kills You can also pick up Variks’ Repeatables which will contribute to his Weekly Europan bounty challenge. [b]Eris (Moon) [/b] - Deathless Auto - Auto Rifle multikills - Double Draw - Hand Cannon multikills [b]Spider (Tangled Shore)[/b] The Warden of Nothing strike does not count as Tangled Shore - Orbital Drop - Generate Orbs of Power on the Tangled Shore [b]Devrim (The EDZ)[/b] - The Arms Dealer Strike is great for the Week 2 Seasonal Challenges Dominance - - Operandi - Cabal and They Bigger They Are. - Generator - Generate Orbs of Power - Front Line Defense - Cabal kills [b]Shaw Han (Cosmodrome)[/b] - The Disgraced or Devil’s Lair strikes might be a better option for today for the Hive kills - Crowd Control - 50 kills in the Cosmodrome - House Cleaning - Defeat Hive - Out With a Bang - Grenade ability kills Petra’s bounties aren’t on the API so you’ll have to check with her in-game for what you can do in the Corrupted strike. Each planetary daily bounty should reward 6,000 XP and planetary materials. Spider’s and Petra’s bounties might still be weird. [b][u]Weekly Challenges[/u] [/b] Stasis kills off of Europa will progress the Exo Stranger’s weekly challenge. Strikes progress Hawthorne’s weekly Clan XP challenge.



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