Place yer bets on the next big seasonal challenge! Will it be the grandmaster, the granddaddy of all challenges? Or perhaps the irony of trials will pervade the system! Who will come out on top!?
If you don’t bet, you can’t prove you were right!
They'll add in challenges aiming to force you to play crucible and gambit with salavger's Salvo to get the ornaments.
RichGhost77により編集済み: 3/16/2021 5:51:28 PMWhatever it is, it won't really matter as ppl will easily have enough xp to complete the season pass. Although I suppose some ppl will cry about not getting the bright dust maybe! Meh 🤷♂️
Both [url=]Braytech[/url] and [url=]D2Checklist[/url] have the full breakdown by week of the what challenges will be included. And yes - GM Nightfalls (Week 6), 7 wins in Trials (Week 8) and having to gain 5 ranks in Valor (Week 7) are all on the table.
- Here’s what’s been datamined.
PhantomBrownにより編集済み: 3/15/2021 6:50:03 PM