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5/14/2021 4:33:53 AM

So… I played Halo: CE for the first time

To be specific, the anniversary edition’s campaign on mine humble pc. Yep, I finished it. [i]I finished it.[/i] Y’know, at first, I thought this game was gonna be something else. I really did, but… *frantically shakes head* Actually, it was quite fun for a while. First time playing and it was fun—that is, till it started feeling repetitive—copies of the map being used over and over again to create a sort of labyrinth; honestly, I spent more time going in circles than shooting, but that just might be me being stupid. But, yeah, picking up the Covenant’s own weapons to use against them was particularly enjoyable. Oh, and [i]The Flood![/i] Yes, ohohohohohoho, the Flood. I knew what they were and I knew they were in Halo (I researched the whole story before I got it), but what I didn’t know is how much they would be in it—specifically this game. Honestly, I didn’t think they’d be in this one. But hey, I was cool with the Flood; I didn’t mind tearing through them with a blazing barrel as if they were made of paper. Yeah, I have no problem with the Flood. ...until [i]The Library[/i] happened. No, I won’t talk about it. Stop asking or I’ll cry... and scream… and die... then hurt you. Also, I didn’t like seeing human soldiers infected, because shooting what used to be my own men was kinda disturbing… like, there’s no way you can get me to shoot my own brothers in—Oh hey, that guy’s holding a shotgun! *shrug* Brother or Flood, a shotgun is a shotgun. ^ wizzdumb ^ ANYWAY, I caught a glimpse of Halo 2 and it looks waayyyyy more fun, both the story and gameplay aspects. But, I don’t know, I may be getting ahead of myself. But yeah, as a guy playing it with new eyes, I’d rate Halo: CE [b]4.5[/b]/[b]10[/b] stars: Fun at first until everything after that feels like a grind that just keeps dragging on—hey, I need more experience than killing hordes of... [i]things [/i]in a room I’ve already been in ten thousand times. Hopefully, Halo 2 will get double the rating, yeh? [i]-postscript-[/i] I can click a button and see the classic halo graphics and that’s some pretty neat design for it’s time, but I liked playing with the newer shtuff on. [i]-post-postscript-[/i] That part in the beginning where we’re rescuing Captain Keyes and that one marine is just shooting the dead alien, saying: “Haha, get up so I can kill yeh again!” Nice foreshadowing. [url=]Nice sick-humored thrice-accursed ill-forsaken foreshadowing.[/url] Um— [i]Thoughts anybody...?[/i]
#Offtopic #Halo



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Olórinにより編集済み: 6/26/2021 12:32:09 PM
    As someone whos played since day dot from Halo: CE up until the Halo: MCC, i can understand seeing the first installment for what it is and at the time it was groundbreaking... So to speak. Seeing it from a present days perspective will make anyone go 'meh' but at the time it was great. But yeah, the map design isn't the greatest, looking at that Library mission just proves it really. But story wise its full of mystery and encourages the player to fight on to see more for the sake of the story more than anything else. My favourite installment though will absolutely knock your boots off, Halo 2 for me was and still is the best game of the series. If you have MCC then trust me play it on the updated graphics, they've done a really great job on it.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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