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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
8/18/2021 9:31:58 PM

Let down by the end of this season?

Does anyone else feel let down by the end of this season's story? The cut scene gunfight was nice and all but nothing climactic about it, and since the Quria fight wasn't climactic I figured something else would wind up being it. But after the cinematic, having one week left and all that there is left to do is interact with the smallest dullest memorial to fallen comrades I have ever seen, is a sad end to a season. Instead of out with a bang, it winds up out with a whimper. What was the climax of this season? I mean how do we as Guardians build an entire freak'n tree for Festival of the Lost, a holographic floating star crystally thing for The Dawning, and decorate the entire tower for them and a handful of others. So for something that is a historical event; the vex invaded the last city, numerous people died, but we just put a tiny arbor with 2 tiny banners for a memorial. Inside of the game world, this is just wrong. Outside of the game world in IRL it almost feels as if the designers are handcuffed by an exec with zero creative vision or zero passion for visual storytelling. I try to stay positive and look toward what's next, so here's hoping the next season reveal gets back to not using remote working and the pandemic as an excuse for not being able to accomplish big exciting things.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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