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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
8/25/2021 8:34:33 AM

Another Exotic Weapon Idea (and just some basic feedback)

For starters, let me get this off my chest. Lorentz Driver is a cool weapon. You don't see other weapons like it in the game. Well, that much like it. The precision kill part is definitely the part that stands out. But I just wanted to say to the devs... I know what you did. Again. I have no reason to complain because I like it, but I know. And we'll just leave that comment there... Anyways, I was also messing around with bottom-tree Dawnblade. I like throwing a Solar Grenade into a group of enemies and watching an entire squad of them turn into fireworks while dying with burns. Very fun. And while I was thinking about builds to make with it, I started wondering about exotic weapons that could pair with it and I realized... that there wasn't really that many weapons that set enemies on fire. There is no kinetic exotic that burns enemies. I don't think Prometheus Lens does it, but I haven't checked. Jotunn could with its firepit/sunspot that it leaves behind, but I don't think it would be that efficient unless you are using it against a really strong enemy/enemies that can tank a shot because the initial shot is pretty lethal by itself. Two-Tailed Fox can with one of its rockets, but everything is going to explode anyways. The Prospector... might actually be a good option. I'll have to try that one soon. But those are the only weapons I can think of that could cause burns. Poison doesn't count here. ...We need a flamethrower. If Cabal can use one with a backpack, then we can use one with built-in fuel containers. Don't know if it would be a power weapon or a special weapon. I'm sure there's some balance that can be maintained whichever way it would be designed. I don't imagine the flame radius/size being that big though. Perhaps more of a focused, tighter fire cone. As for additional traits, hm... Maybe it could work where standing in the fire and/or burning while holding the weapon reduces damage taken and increases the damage of the weapon. That sounds okay to me. ...But I'm not expecting to see an exotic flamethrower anytime soon, so I'm going to continue thinking about exotic ideas. Liking cross-play, btw. I know that it's not perfect and there are some features that many wish it could have, but it's nice being able to play with my PC friends again. Thank you for that.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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