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8/27/2021 8:03:22 PM

Decrypting the darkness and Prismatic recaster not working on new character in season of the Lost

I started a Titan the day after the season launch and I cant view any prismatic lens in the Recaster, it just says: "Sorry, there are no items available here, please check back during a future visit to see if there is any new inventory" My other 2 characters, one I made in season of the Chosen and one in Spicer can both view the lenses from any season, but not my new one. I tried doing the Season of the Chosen intro mission that gives you the Decrypting the darkness quest, which originally unlocked it, but once it asks you to go the the Umbral decoder, the quest is innaccesable and it says the same thing, no items available. I completed every campaign and played some of the new season on my Titan, I dont think im missing anything to view the Prismatic Recaster, please help.



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