Focusing the “Tools of the [Splicer/Chosen/Hunt]” Umbral Engram is supposed to award 2 weapons, but it only gives 1. I searched for this topic but shockingly couldn’t find any postings yet... but feel free to delete if someone has already brought this up.
I’m hoping for a fix soon as I’m still hunting for my Gridskipper god-role. 😭
Hi there,
they have only namely listed chosen in there but I think they are aware that all 3 aren't working as intended
[quote]• The Tools of the Chosen focusing option in the Prismatic Recaster only gives one weapon drop instead of two.[/quote]
People have brought htis up before, but as we do not have a funcioning search for forum topics, you shouldn't worry too much. (I'd browse through the first 3 pages and post if there is nothing there)