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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/13/2021 4:17:13 AM

Override should give gambit rep

I dont care if its less then normal gambit but its the exact same mode except for the simple fact that there is no pvp I am sick and tired of playing matches in which we pull the prime evil and as we are burning ours, suddenly theirs is up and dead in 2 seconds because they had the luckier heavy ammo drops then we did, or even better, they invade while we have no motes on just just to put us down and make the next few minutes a living hell because their invader spawned with us in their sights the first time and took us out before we could bank even 11 motes. I am just sick and tired of it all and simply want a PVE gambit mode that counts for rep and what better then overide. We are keeping battlegrounds when they have no purpose so why no keep override and attach it to gambit, make a nessus map or something to compensate for the loss of tangled shores map and boom, thats it



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