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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Mynweにより編集済み: 11/9/2021 10:42:35 AM

Another nerf chaperone post but long and with numbers (TL;DR at bottom)

According to Chaperone has a use% (u%) of 2.48%. Or 2.48% of active players in the crucible are using Chaperone. Chaperone also has a kill% (k%) of 2.78%. 2.78% of all kills in PvP are from chappy. 2.48 against 2.78 would intuitively indicate that a weapon is OP, as broadly a weapon is getting more kills by the people using it, than there are people actually using it. Comparing this to primaries that 0.3% difference seems irrelevant (Vex with 2.63% u% against a ludicrous 4.27% k%. Ace with 2.85% u% / 3.60% k%) However, remember that a special weapon's kills is limited by it's ammo, and it puts that 0.3% into perspective. That is huge, no special weapon should feasibly have a k% > u%. Thiz logic applies in practice, (Felwinters 2.81% u% / 2.58% k%, Adored 1.01% u% / 0.77% k%). In general for balanced weapons Primaries u% ≈ k% Specials u% > k% Heavies u% >>> k% Some points to note, this implies Main Ingredient is broken (1.35% u% / 1.75% k%) and Lorentz (1.25% u% / 1.52% k%) as well as plenty of other weapons (such as Vex and Ace as already shown). And yeah, I'd agree with this tbh. Also, the higher the usage of a weapon, the more accurate, due to the larger sample space. So yeah, Chappy is broken (surprise, surprise) now the much harder question, how? Biggest offenders are probably the aim assist and range. As well as it's exotic perk, roadborn. No exotic should be best in slot just by virtue of being exotic. The rarity shouldn't be the sole excuse for a weapon to have stats this much higher than its legendary counterparts. That said, Chaperone is [b]the[/b] slug shotgun. So it should have something. My solution? Dial back the range and aim assist to be in line with other slugs, it can be high for a slug, but not as ludicrously high as it is now. Hit the in-air accuracy too. But keep roadborn the same. As in, exactly the same - buffed to account for the range nerf. Raise the threshold of skill required to make full use of the weapon. But make the weapon incredible once it's going, make roadborn an active component of the weapon rather than a passive one. TL;DR: Numerical proof that chappy is busted, Range and aim assist too much. Dial range and aim assist back to around normal slug but buff roadborn to account for the nerfs so it performs just as well as it does now. Harder to use, but still very good when going and in the right hands.



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