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2/25/2022 1:13:50 AM

Season 16: Exotic Machinegun Catalyst Quest Not Granting Quadruple Progress As Intended

I couldn't find any threads on this, so I wanted to drop this here... I didn't start progressing the Grand Overture catalyst quest "Heavy Does It" until I was season rank 40, so I definitely should have the omega boost unlocked at rank 22--which is supposed to grant quadruple progression towards the catalyst. Upon reaching Step 2 of 3 on the quest (Catalyst Calibration: 0/200 and Targets Defeated: 0/100%) I decided to accomplish the Nightfall for my weekly Powerful reward. It didn't matter if I ran the Hero or Adept Nightfall (or even regular playlist strikes)--all completions gave me only 3 points towards calibration instead of the 4 each I was expecting. The "Targets Defeated" bar in this step is progressing quickly, and I should have that finished on my fifth activity completion. At this rate I'll need 67 activity completions to advance to step 3 of the catalyst quest instead of 50 like if it were actually granting quadruple progress. Unless I'm missing something, we're in for more of a grind than we should be. Any assistance would be appreciated.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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