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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
3/10/2022 1:02:00 AM

why Rhulk is racist

Now I know what your thinking. Rhulk? Racist? Yes. He is the most racist character in Destiny 2. NO. Destiny 1 AND 2. No, out of everything, EVER. Now yes I know, my statement seems a bit far fetched. But also you must remember, I am the man who convinced everyone in the community that Among Us has better lore than Destiny 2 (which it does). Now, that I have your attention, lets list these BANGER reasons shall we? Reason 1: Rhulk and Racist both start with R. Coincidence? I think not. This obviously proves he is racist but if you need more evidence... Reason 2: Rhulk caused the collapse of his entire race. Uh oh! that seems a little bit racist!!! On top of that he also tells guardians to kill themselves which is also RACIST!!!!! Don't say that unless you know that race below the helmet!!!! Silly racist Rhulk... Anyways, those are my 2 reasons on why Rhulk is the most racist being in existence. Now you are allowed to disagree with me if you desire (wrong) or you can agree with me (correct). Either way I hope I have opened up the truth to all of you on a very controversial topic. Until next time! Oh I almost forgot my last reason!! It would've sucked not to include it since it's the best reason out of the 3. You know what? I'll end this essay with the most BANGER reason of all! Reason 3: savathun booba.



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