Polaris Lance Catalyst Progression Definitely Isn't working
I've been at this for hours trying to finish the catalyst(I haven't used the gun in a while and left it at 43/50 perfect fifth kills)
After about 300+ kills today I am positive the catalyst is broken. It doesn't matter if I kill 1, 2 or 3+ with the explosion from the perfect 5th shot, the burn from it, or a direct hit/explosion. Nothing is counting towards the 50 kills needed for the catalyst anymore.
I've checked a bunch of posts/videos to see if someone has a trick and they've all failed.
I've done Grasp of Avarice Dungeon opening section grouping up all the thrall to get explosion kills. DOESN'T WORK. Tried the Prophecy Dungeon first section, shooting Knights to trigger perfect 5th and exploding the groups of taken thrall. DOESN'T WORK. I've gone to Exodus Garden 2a lost sector (and some others) to group up Dregs after getting perfect 5th from servitors.
The catalyst was already annoying before since it only counted burn kills but this is stupid now. Any kill with the perfect 5th should've counted towards the catalyst.