A weird bug in POH just sort of cost me my Flawless run.
So, I've been trying to grab this Harbinger seal since Shadowkeep came out. With Solar 3.0 I finally got a good build going that I can work with.
I made it past the hardest part of the dungeon and got to boss with minimal problems. A few scares but nothing more. I had Zulmak on ludicrously low health after devising a strategy using Classy Restoration, Healing rift, Well of Radiance, and Falling Guillotine to keep DPS going without having to disengage.
Well, on the veey last rotation of damage, I found myself unable to put down my rift because I was in the midst of the Falling/Flying animation. Once I was finally able to, I got booped out and slid back in, ready to cast my rift...only to be murdered mid animation and have the last few minutes made pointless.
Dunno what the problem was, maybe my Well was in a weird spot or something but whatever it was, I veetainly wasn't happy afterwards. Don't know if it's fixable or not but I thought you kind Folks at Bungie and on Bungie.net should be made aware if you already weren't.
This has happened to me with swords multiple times recently, too. Not sure what the deal is.
Are you aware that you only have to solo the dungeon and then have a flawless run that doesn't have to be solo? Everyone does have to complete it flawlessly, but you don't have to do it by yourself.
While I'm not expecting any handouts of a Flawless completion to be retroactively jammed into my stats or something, I just want this to be fixed so no-one else has to suffer the same fate.