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7/16/2022 3:36:31 PM

Just a working guardian looking for a casual midsize group

Just a casual player that's been out of the game since before Beyond The Light looking for a clan that is pretty laid back. I'm definitely up for the occasional raid and pvp but mostly I'm looking for casual pve where possible. Importantly I'm super ootl on the game of late since I fell off, but I'm a quick learner and can hang just fine. I play on PC (NA), mostly warlock, hunter on occasion and rarely titan. I've raided before though it's been a while. Not the best by any means, but I can hold my own in pvp if I have to (though I have no idea what meta is these days). Anyway I have no idea what to put here and I'm rambling. Hmu with any questions or inquiries!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • [quote]Just a casual player that's been out of the game since before Beyond The Light looking for a clan that is pretty laid back. I'm definitely up for the occasional raid and pvp but mostly I'm looking for casual pve where possible. Importantly I'm super ootl on the game of late since I fell off, but I'm a quick learner and can hang just fine. I play on PC (NA), mostly warlock, hunter on occasion and rarely titan. I've raided before though it's been a while. Not the best by any means, but I can hold my own in pvp if I have to (though I have no idea what meta is these days). Anyway I have no idea what to put here and I'm rambling. Hmu with any questions or inquiries![/quote] chilled but active clan who don't ask or demand only for those who join, to be active in chat and helpful in game. ★ 21 plus Uk/EU/US ★ All platforms welcomed ★ Supportive and friendly vibes only ★ Discord optional, mic use NOT enforced ★Clan ALWAYS before randoms (lfg) ★Please only join if you intend on being active in chat (bungie App) and helpful in game. You'll get out what you put in. We run all content when we can, but we are also adults with other things to do! Of you seek 12 hour raiding sessions, look elsewhere. 😂 DΛRK ΛGΣD ΛLLIΛNCΣ  awaits ....[/quote]



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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