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Lesにより編集済み: 8/4/2022 10:05:34 PM

Fully rekindled (and imbued) Candescent armor is actually not fully rekindled?

I was hoping I manage to guild my "Flamekeeper" seal by completing the last missing triumph "In Candescent" while wearing a set of fully rekindled Candescent armor and running dungeons. Unfortunately, after completing a full run of Duality dungeon I noticed there was no progress at all - the triumph showed 0/3. I asked my teammates (clan members) to check on my armor set and one of them warned me that my gauntlet is not fully rekindled, he saw large kindling in it - but imbued! I fully rekindled and imbued all of my armor before. Other teammate saw my armor set just like me - fully rekindled and imbued. I did try to fully rekindle and imbue the gauntlet on other two classes but it's the same situation. Here is a link - screenshot from my perspective: [url][/url] ... and from my teammate's view (only he is seeing the difference) [url][/url] Can you please help me to resolve the issue so I can complete the missing triumph? Many thanks! Les



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