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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
11/8/2022 4:55:25 AM

Frenzy on Swords could be better

[b]Problem[/b]: [u]Frenzy doesn't feel worth having on Swords[/u] [b]Proposed Solution[/b]: Add Sword-exclusive benefits to Frenzy (e.g. Recharge Rate, Sprint Speed) [b]Context/Details[/b]: I was cleaning my vault recently and came upon 2 Swords with Frenzy. Frenzy is a great PvE option for every other weapon EXCEPT Swords. For those not aware, Frenzy gives +15% damage, 50 Handling and 50 Reload Speed after being in combat (dealing or receiving damage) for 5 seconds. You would think that +15% is a good buff to Swords until you realize that other perks provide better buffs to Swords: - Vorpal Weapon gives an immediate +10% buff against Champions and Bosses, great as a burst damage option, especially on Crown Splitter. Although just 10%, at least the buff is instantaneous on hit. - Whirlwind Blade gives up to +30% damage after 10 Hits. At 5 Hits, you're getting +15% damage already which may be faster to proc (at least for non-Aggressive Swords) compared to Frenzy's 5-second timer. Apart from that, Swords don't benefit from the bonus Handling and Reload Speed benefits since they don't have those stats. Based on my experience, the identity of Frenzy is "you've been in this fight long enough, let's make you stronger to make you stay in it for longer". Given that, I have the following suggestions to make Frenzy better for Swords: [b]1. Increased Sprint Speed[/b] We could get increased movement speed similar to Assassin's Blade but as a percentage instead of a flat speed number. This would allow incentivize still using Assassin's Blade. Ready speeds seem pretty consistent and fast across all the Swords in the game, buffing them would be insignificant in a Sword's usage. However, there's another aspect to "readying to damage with a Sword" which is closing the gap with the target. Faster movement would also help maintain the uptime of Frenzy and also be an appealing option for our speed runners that need to move around an arena faster. [b]2. Increased Recharge Rate[/b] The closest to a Reload Stat we have on Swords is the Recharge Rate which is how soon we can use our Heavy Attack (or Block) again. Having a faster Recharge Rate incentivizes staying in combat which goes hand-in-hand with Frenzy's identity. Increased Swing Speed seems promising in practice. Assuming the Recharge Rate remains the same, it means we run out of ammo faster which could mean doing less Heavy Attacks. Having both increased Swing Speed and Recharge Rate may cause balancing issues especially for Aggressive Swords. These are just some caffeine-fueled thoughts while coping that my Razor's Edge with Wellspring and Frenzy, or my Other Half with Eager Edge and Frenzy would be more meta than I previously thought. P.S. [i]pls let us have sword focusing again[/i]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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