Bungie has expanded the player vaults 3 times since D2 launched but hasn't raised the max Glimmer cap once since the beginning of all things Destiny. I am the only one who feels like it should be raised if not doubled or even set at a hefty one million?
I mean when players are buying ships and sparrows out of collections to put in their vaults and refusing to sell old planetary materials for sake of "storing Glimmer." That's how you know the max Glimmer cap is too low.
I've never run out of glimmer. I've never come close. I have thought about, "having enough" but the reality is it's never come up!
I think maybe Bungie might have found a sweet spot on this one resource in game management... It doesn't happen often - so I for one am gonna celebrate it...
(And), obviously- your facts were wrong which doesn't help your plea.