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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Monkにより編集済み: 3/3/2023 9:19:31 AM

[Suggestion] Grapple Change

Hey, Grapple is a really fun mechanic that, when you're "empowered" is the best, shows how fun it can be but the cool down is [b][i]insane[/i][/b]. Even with 100 Discipline it's still nearly a minute. And while yes, you can just use Tangles... they're not everywhere! Either move Grapple to melee so it's not needed to apply Unravel and/or speed up the refresh on it. Even with the current mods in place, setting everything up between Grenade Kickstart, Innervation and Bomber mods, it's not enough. I don't get the noise about Nimbus, however, [b][i]i do[/i][/b] get the hate for Grapple's current functionality. Maybe we need to leave the [u]we want a challenge[/u] in their own damn instance so trying to get orbs isn't nearly as challenging as it is right now. Ya know? Cheers, Monk



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