Lets face it, this gun, as beautiful as it is, is bad. Pretty darn bad, a catalyst is its only chance at redemption. Now first, i'm going to disappoint a lot of you. No, it shouldn't change to special ammo and heres why. First off, that would be hard to do for a catalyst, now if they change it in general then i'm all for it. But as far as a catalyst goes it physically cannot change its ammo type.
Second reason, is if the catalyst changes it to special most likely thats all it would do. And just that alone wont make the gun any better honestly. So for my idea, it will remain heavy. Should the gun itself change to special then by all means im for it, but this is about the catalyst. Anyways the gun needs an identity. So i think i've thought of something unique for it.
Catalyst - "Shots have a chance to cause another shot to instantly fire and track to targets." (This can proc on itself)
Along with a sub perk thats - "Having two instant shots in a row proc causes your next normal shot to have drastically reduced charge time."
Some info on this. The extra shots will be absolutely free. Only your initial shot will use ammo. The chance of getting the free shot will be good at maybe 7/10 per shot then after that the next free shots can proc on itself but have diminishing chance. Should bungie change it back to special ammo this catalyst will still work, but damage numbers would be reduced. Thoughts? :
Edit: Totally would love it to be a primary ammo linear. Could two tap in pvp but i can see this being really good in pve with this catalyst.