Is your clan dead? Are you looking for something different? Year 1 clan, watch the video!
Please read , I'll actually respond to you - not just cut and paste.
Thank you in advance.
I'm looking for social people who want to join discord , hang out in chat , or run nonsense with your clan mates. Must be chill , be friendly to all types , and want to group up a bit and play.
Are you the SHERPA? You know all the activities and want to teach?
Do you want to learn everything in the game ? GMs , Dungeons, Raids?
We can play it all.
Why recruit?
I'm gonna be honest , we do have a good bit of Diablo players with us , but that has a clan from us as well. These guys are still playing D2 with us. I'd like to see more activity with our D2 side. We have about 20 pretty consistent players, others float but will join anytime.
Discord , a headset , and the want to communicate.
About me:
I'm a D1 vet who completed all the raid challenges within that setting.
My name is MANTRA, I'm a D2 day 1 player , rank 11 PARAGON, with a SOLO Flawless of GHOSTS of the DEEP. Not a flex... just facts.
Here's a link to my raid report: