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Shuyahhにより編集済み: 7/25/2023 7:08:14 PM

Adding kindling bug not fixed for me after today's reset

Last week I had added large kindling to my titan's solstice armor, skipping the step where you have to add small kindling. Now I am getting prompted to add small kindling to the armor, but neither do I have small kindling nor are there are kindling slots left on my armor. This persists after today's weekly reset, and after having installed the Destiny update. I had also put kindling in most of my hunter's armor, but then spent some on the titan armor. Result: I am also stuck in step 9 of the "A Glowing Solstice" quest. Btw, The hunter armor has no slots to put kindling or ember in it. It's apparently completely upgraded. The patch notes state this has been fixed. No, Bungie, it has not. Since I had completed all solstice challenges last week as well, there is no kindling available for me to earn. My guess is that the quest is meant as an account-wide activity, but adding kindling or imbuing ember is per character. Bungo, you simply need to bring all solstice armor pieces on each character of a given account to the highest level of kindling and ember present on any solstice armor of a given type (i.e. helmet, chest piece, etc.), is that too hard for you to figure? Go let someone write a database script and fix this!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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