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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Alias Silverscribeにより編集済み: 8/21/2023 10:25:36 PM

Idea: Apotheosis Veil Rework

Apotheosis Veil has been long neglected as an exotic, partially since it has two passive abilities which feel like they would be secondary effects on an exotic. As such , I propose the following rework: Apotheosis Veil currently refills health, melee, rift, and grenade energy upon super cast, and grants 25% class ability regen for allies within 25 meters of the player. These are both good abilities that should probably be left as they are. I propose adding a buff upon super cast which gives us three or four ability refreshes. I am personally going to call this "Gift From Beyond (GFB)." Much like the old Charged with Light system, using an ability will consume one stack of GFB, instantly refreshing the ability. This allows for multiple abilities to be swiftly used after super activation. (Instead of stacks which are used on consumption, it could also be a short time period in which all abilities receive increased ability regen, much like Sunbracers provides, though this does not take into effect the different casting times of melees, grenades, and rifts. Health regen could also be active during this time to protect, but that seems like a bit much.) This would allow Apotheosis Veil to work well for damage phases, allowing burst supers (Needle Storm, Nova Bomb/Cataclysm, Chaos Reach) to be followed by the use of several grenades, much like a single activation of Sunbracers. It may not be as useful outside damage phases, but the exotic seems to have been made with the intent for use during such times, meaning it would still retain its original function, and the ability refreshes would become a useful secondary effect when fighting standard enemies. Adding these changes causes Apotheosis Veil to retain its function as a situationally useful exotic, but adds a new function which causes it have a definitive, more pronounced purpose in damage phases, while still retaining the original feel of the exotic. To whoever is reading this, may you have a nice day!



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