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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
9/16/2023 9:07:27 PM

PVE Nerfs to exotics based on PVP....

Continue nerfing exotics based on PVP


Change the way nerfs are made to seperate PVP


Okay, I've been playing destiny 2 since red war. Destiny has changed massively since then the changes they have been making recently has brought up a massive topic since the old days, PVP nerfs to exotics are an acceptable thing, Its required for some things honestly... But bungie.... Stop ruining the game for the pve experience.... Make a new system to change the way nerfs are made, PVP should not dictate the future of the game. 63% of your player base is PVE focused. I'd suggest nerfing per category and keeping the PVE experience alive. And on top of that this is the final chance for some of us old players to love destiny now and in the future, But I think I speak for a vast majority when I say to the ECON team... Do not dare touch my legendary shards... Some of us outside of the glitches and farms in the past have been grinding shards since red war... And you expect us to lay down and just take this removal for what? You are more then ruining the econ for the old player base. I'd suggest changing it to where not everything is legendary shards, That would be a good fit for new players, Or even adding the option to buy items via both methods. But flat out removing it because you feel its necessary for new players.... Your basically telling all of the old player base, Too bad so sad, with a move like that it would take at least a year or more to change prices for every single option purchase.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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