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Adranelyneにより編集済み: 4/5/2024 2:48:25 PM

Tεmρεst • Day One

Although I am recruiting for the entire clan for the day one raid for Final Shape, I am still looking for 1-2 more members for my own team. [b][u]What I’m Looking For:[/u][/b] •First and foremost someone who fits with our team from a personality standpoint. •An accomplished player who shows proficiency in all aspects of endgame—flawless raids, lowmans, speedruns, etc. •Prior day one experience is great, but not required. •A committed player who intends to put aside time the week of the raid and also see it through for the 24-48 hours we’ll be allotted. [b][u]What We Bring:[/u][/b] •We’re a team that checks the egos at the door. So many of these teams are just 6 solid raid reports with zero chemistry—that’s not us. •We have prior day one experience/clears (individually, not as a team). •We’re all committed to the clear (however long that takes). •Experience in prep for day one (bounties, meta loadouts for new patch, practice runs as a team, etc). [b][u]Inquiries:[/u][/b] Message me on Discord (Adranelyne).
#Raid #Clans #DayOne



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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