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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
5/3/2024 5:59:22 PM

Exotic Trace Rifle - Old Friend

Yes, I have posted this before but it was one of favourites. I hope you enjoy it too. The Guardian received the Drifters urgent message to meet him as soon as possible. They made their way to the tower and curiously strode into the Drifters sanctum. At first glanced, the room appeared to be normal. The Drifters mote bank of Taken easma spiralled as usual, gambit coins scattered across the floor. However, around the corner to the right was a flurry of boxes, crates and totes in complete disarray. And there hunched over was the Drifter frantically searching for something. All the while, Drifter did not notice that the Guardian and Ghost were watching him search in a panic. “Uh Drifter?” Ghost said politely, “We’re here.” Drifter: “Ahh!—Drifter jumped and turned to face his visitors—Hero! You made it!” Ghost: Yes, we came as quickly as we could. Guardian: What are you looking for? Drifter: Oh just a little something that’ll bring me into a new age. The Drifter grabbed his crowbar and stuck it into a crate; and with a satisfying crack, he popped the lid off and slid it off to the side. He reached down and pulled out a small black stainless steel case, the length of his forearm. On the centre of the lid, a silver Black Armoury insignia flickered in the light. Ghost: Is this why you brought us here? Drifter: No, but don’t you worry, I got something else special for you…Follow me Hero, a new age awaits! The Drifter scampered over and around the mess he had made. The Guardian nimbly followed. Drifter: Don’t worry about the mess, I’ll get one of Shaxxs’ [i]‘Dinklebots’[/i] to clean it up. Together, the Drifter and the Guardian strode out of the Drifters sanctum, Ghost floated on behind running the possibilities of what surprise Drifter had for them. They took a right and quickly turned left and straight towards Ada-1’s Black Armoury chamber. Usually, Ada-1 had an open door policy for guardians to come and go at anytime. However, this time, the way was sealed shut. Ghost: Is Ada away? Drifter: Nope, she’s in there. She just doesn’t want any visitors. But Ada and I have an agreement. I’m always welcome, Drifter assured. The Drifter began tinkering with the sealed door. Ghost: Drifter..if the door is sealed, I don’t think we should be bothering her.. Suddenly, the sound of spinning gears spun rapidly and slowed to a clang. The heavy door seemed to sigh and release from its locked position. Drifter: See I am always welcome. The Drifter gave a cheeky smile, as he grabbed the door. The door squeaked and slowly swung open as Drifter applied force to it. As they stepped in, beams of radiant red light lit the chamber. Drifter shielded his eyes as the red light overtook the room. Ada-1 stood behind a control panel watching as a her machines slowly closed a Black Armoury crate which held the source of the bright light…a red engram. The crate hissed shut and sealed; and the colourful light vanished. “What was that!?” Ghost exclaimed, his jaw would have dropped if he had one. Surprised, Ada-1 spun around and said: “Guardian!?” She was even more surprised by the true culprit, “Drifter!!” Ada-1: What is the meaning of this? Drifter how many times have I told you, your unexpected visits will no longer be tolerated. If my door is sealed.. “But Ada, your door isn’t sealed.” Drifter retorted, trying to diffuse the situation. “Yes, because you cannot respect my boundaries. Wait until the Vanguard hears of this.” Ghost swung around to the Guardian not sure if he should interject into the conversation. Drifter: That would be shame if those Lightbears did, but I brought you something… Drifter pulled out the Black Armoury box from his robes. He opened it and pulled out a thin metal card. The front face was black with 3 distinctive Black Armour symbols. Ada-1 stood unresponsive and taken back by the sight. “This..This cannot be!” Ada exclaimed. “This Drifter, will grant you access.” Drifter handed the card to Ada. She held it in her hands awhile. She lifted it up in the light and the 3 distinct symbols flashed. She turned it over and the backside of the card revealed that it was red. Ada-1 approvingly walked back to her control panel and addressed the Drifter sternly. “I will get started. However, I will by no means overlook your ambundant trespassing.” Ada-1 continued to give Drifter a look that would single handedly make the Hive shiver. Drifter simply responded, “Heard you loud and clear…” He turned to the Guardian and Ghost and softly said, “You had my back right Hero?” The Guardian stood unresponsive and glanced at Ghost. Drifter swung a pat on their back, leaned in and said, “Of course you did.” To keep things moving, Drifter spun around and proclaimed, “Now, that that’s cleared up, how about.. “Hold on a second,” Ghost interjected. “What was that engram?” Ada-1 still examining Drifters Black Armoury card slotted it into one of her machines. “I’m afraid that is of little concern to you. Even the Guardian isn’t ready for such an item.” Ghost: Okay but what was inside? Ada-1: Something of [b][u]EPIC[/u][/b] portions…she continued, “More importantly, let’s move onto why you all really came.” Drifter: “Right, let’s get started.” Drifter put on his entertainer façade. He turned to face the Guardian and Ghost, “You two remember when you stormed into the Prison of Elders after Cayde had passed? Ghost: “Of course, we’ve run that strike hundreds of times..I mean, yes.” “Well, before Spider sold the prison back to the Awoken, I went in with one of his salvage crews. We gathered the remains of Variks precious Servitor. With the help of Spiders crew we rearranged the necessary pieces and then I brought them to back to ol’ Ada here.” Without raising her gaze from her monitor, Ada-1 firmly said, “Do not call me ‘old’..” Drifter: Noted. Anyway..Drifter rubbed the back of his neck and continued his speech, Ada did her thing and she fashioned you a trusty weapon out of Variks pet Servitor. Ada-1 turned to a control panel, hit a couple commands and in the corner of the room a secondary control panel erected itself from the floor. A round contraption with a dome also lifted out of the floor. A fog, what looked like dry ice poured off the sides as it rose. The round contraption came to a halt. The dome spun and cracked open revealing a purplish blue trace rifle that floated in place. The outer shell was that of the Servitors casing. But underneath, lay exposed sections of the frame and other highly intricate and advanced steel of Black Armoury fabrication. On one side of the long barrel of the rifle etched into the outer casing were fallen symbols that could translate to Guardian or Lightbear. The other side, a bold and dominant Black Armoury symbol showed. Layers of the Servitor shell overlapped themselves along the barrel. At the end of the barrel a small lens of the Servitor eye laid. The contrast between the weathered but refurbished Servitor shell casing overtop the sleek Black Armoury steel frame was quite alluring. Guardian: This is for us? Drifter: Sure is. You’ve earned it Hero. Drifter stepped closer to the Guardian. The two of them stood admiring Ada-1’s craftsmanship. “You and Ghost have saved the day more times than any of us can count.” Drifter added. Ada-1: I have taken the liberty of sending the weapon schematics and specifications to you Ghost. Ghost bobbed and thrilled with the rush of new information. Ghost: This is most generous of you Drifter and Ada. You have our thanks. The Guardian turned to the Drifter and then Ada-1 and said a grateful, “Thank you.” The Drifter grabbed the Guardian by the shoulders and said, “You, my friend are the Vanguards greatest ally. See, it even says so right there.” The Drifter rotated the weapon 90 degrees towards the ceiling to showcase the underside of the buttstock. He pointed to the words that were etched in the weapon: [i]*To The Guardian, The Vanguards Greatest Ally. *[/i] Name: Old Friend Tagline: A Loyal and Unwavering Friend Weapon Type: Heavy Void/Solar Servitor Trace Rifle Intrinsic Trait: Sustained fire on a target shoots a homing weakening concussive blast. Judgement at Hand: When Supercharged hold reload to switch damage type from Void —> Solar to overpower the weapon and eradicate enemies with a supercharged Solar laser. Drains super. Final blows cause Solar explosions.(Simliar to Agers Scepter) Unity Resonator: Sustained damage on a target increases damage for you and allies. Continuous damage slowly charges an overshield for you and nearby allies. Catalyst - Unity Resonator Repeater: Unity Resonator stack and charge increasingly faster with allies who also have Old Friend equipped. (Damage stacks and Overshield charges faster when damaging the same target with allies.)



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