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5/5/2024 4:43:08 AM

Blast Furnace Roll Bug

Hello, I am experiencing what has to be some sort of glitch. I have been for the last week its been available farming blast furnace. I had saved 450 tokens to spend when it dropped and then also over the course of many many legend 50 onslaught runs plus using those tokens to gamble with blast furnace attuned I have gotten many many many..... rolls. Without exaggeration because I have been counting to some degree I am getting close to 120 or so(low balling at this point I believe more like 150) drops of specifically blast furnace. Considerable amount of shinies. I have YET to see the roll of headseeker, kill clip as a combo even a single time. Not once. None withstanding other perks there are 8 perks in the 3rd and 4th slot. 1/64 chance of those perks dropping together with increased drop chance on shinies. Yet I have never seen it. Other people have it. Many people in my clan. How is it even justifiably possible that I could get 50 plus snapshot rampage rolls. But not see that combo once? I play on pc and psn. I have done legend 50 on all characters. What the heck am I doing wrong? Dankeschon, Talon



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