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Destiny 2 について話し合おう
5/9/2024 3:58:17 PM

Early Feedback for The Pantheon

How is everyone feeling about The Pantheon so far? We are keeping an eye on the feedback and want to hear your thoughts. How is the difficulty? Are the encounter tweaks enjoyable? How do you feel about the scoring and time bonus?



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  • There should only be one change per encounter Golg- perfect Gatekeeper - ads for stunners perfect Planets - either fire tornado OR you HAVE to kill the tormentor (if not it’ll wipe you) Deep stone crypt - perfect Oryx - either add the multiple nights OR the tormentors



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    1 返信
    • Me and my friends have had a blast. The tweaks are fun, the time trials are fun, and the encounters picked are good. I like the modifier and I hope solar surge is there for week 4. I just wish you could choose the adept you get when you get platinum time. I also wish you could choose the red border weapons. But great job so far!!



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      1 返信
      • I think a lot of complaints stem from people just not liking raids which isn’t really fair criticism for pantheon. A big issue is that the rewards are directed to newer players that haven’t raided before but the difficulty is directed towards veteran players that already have 80% of these items. It leaves a sort of awkward message, it would have been better to pick an angle with maybe providing purely cosmetic rewards like a new armour set if you wanted it to be for raiders only or lower the difficulty to let newer players in. You also just have the issue that is forced lower light. It just feels bad. What makes getting stronger fun is being able to get more powerful to make hard content easier. D1 perfected this with power levelling taking a few months to reach max as a regular player. This meant for the average person a raid would be 10 above them. However what makes games like these work is being able to close that gap, become equal to the content through hard work and dedication. The issue you have when make it so you level up in a week or two and then force people to permanently be below the activity is that you don’t encourage continued playing, why keep going if you physically can’t get stronger, the most you can do is go for slightly better guns. You also had back then is those players who had reached max power would go and assist other people in those activities because they were equal to it, this led to a higher percentage of the community raiding because Sherpa’ing actually felt good as you were doing more than just teaching and had that advantage to help people. At the end of the day forcing players to be permanently weaker just leads to being burnt out and takes a lot of the power fantasy out of the game. You may have that small group of people that enjoy the extreme challenge but catering to them is like if DE catered to warframe endurance runners. There needs to be a way, like there used to be, to become as strong as the most powerful content.



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        • Crota bin Oryxにより編集済み: 5/11/2024 2:32:47 AM
          From a very low tier raider who does minimum raids... Pantheon is a rushed, timed raid experience that is more in line with contest mode than normal/master mode. The rewards are not appealing enough yo get lazy bummers like me to attempt it because it's easier to farm normal raid encounters from checkpoints. Red border lure is also not enough as there are enough guns in respective archetype pools to diminish the value of raid red borders. Raid exotics are just mostly superceded by other non raid exotics or not worth the exotic spot. So it's more of a vanity than a necessity to get these guns. I've had my 1k voices from my first LW clear, but it's just a useless gun for most of the game content. Farming the rotator raid on normal or master for respective raid exotic feels easier. I used to farm VoD but got bored and didn't go for the exotic, but that is what I would rather do than Pantheon. People who don't raid won't care about this. People who raid a lot will probably find this repetitive and boring. People, in between, will split between the two ends of the spectrum of difficulty and either get bored, get the loot, or give up. If the goal of this activity was to provide loot to hard-core raiders, then it would make no sense because they have everything they need by now. If it was to challenge mid level raider, then it probably works, but there aren't too many of these players left. It had not managed to bring my raiding friends back to D2.



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        • [quote]How is the difficulty?[/quote] Honestly not that bad; I’ve run the oryx exalted difficulty like 4 times this week. But I’m not looking forward to contest mode difficulty. Also the shot caller buff sucks; class warfare felt better imo. [quote]Are the encounter tweaks enjoyable?[/quote] Golgoroth is fine, and Caretaker is also fine. Explicator/Planets is just annoying; I straight up hate those fire tornadoes and the tormentor doesn’t really do much and is just an annoying presence. Atraaks is still easily clearable, but I am glad that there’s no arc threat. And the tormentors are just annoying. They don’t feel like they belong in that encounter; a brig or something would have made more sense. The oryx changes are alright. The infinite light eaters put more pressure on each side which is nice, but again the tormentor doesn’t feel like it belongs there. Also the two taken oryxes are an alright change, and it was nice to use whisper again. [quote]How do you feel about the scoring and time bonus?[/quote] I’m not a fan of it. As many others have said, it feels arbitrary, and it really sucked with atraaks this week. Like seriously, just have the time trial be enough to get the platinum score. It infuriated me that it shows that you got the platinum time bonus, but that the platinum time bonus doesn’t actually mean that you got a platinum score. Who let this through? Like seriously, please get some rest; your brain is suffering right now from what I assume is a lack of sleep. The only aspect of the timer that I both like and dislike is that to realistically complete the encounters in time you have to two phase each one. It would be nice if each encounter got an extra minute or something, because it sucks getting a boss to like 2 pixels from final stand, but not having enough time to actually get to another actual damage phase.



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        • As a Raider it's fine. It doesn't really feel too difficult. For Golgoroth having 2 Unstable Lights is actually an advantage they do about a million damage each so getting a 1 Phase is easier. On Caretaker the Orge is a good spin and so are the extra Pervading Darkness bees, but it really doesn't feel any different from regular Caretaker. The time trial is what's most noticeable In Macrocosm fire vortex's are hilarious. If it were me I'd have hit every plate at the same time just so everyone gets a taste. Then finally Atraks-1. Atraks feels no different from the original at all. I think it would've been great if the left and right Servitors were replaced with Tormentors. We often just ignore the Tormentor completely and still get Platinum. Finally for the Taken King himself, I actually love the changes for this encounter. Light-Eaters every time a Runner goes up 2 Shadows of Oryx in the wills dimension, and bombs don't stop until you defeat the Knights. That's all solid, but Bombs is definitely more lethal than Thunderdome so I hope on the next go around Thunderdome gets a little extra. Like taking 2 players at a time, that'd be great to add pressure



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        • I would have had it more random with the encounters choosing from a pool of boss encounters and only have one preset encounter at the end with that rotating through the final bosses from each raid.



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        • Would be a good place to bring bosses from the dcv that are not planned to come back as a returning raid.



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        • I love it, my concerns are the timer for week 3/4, because I doubt we will do enough damage to 2 phase. My biggest complaint/critique is how this is a limited time event and not a permanent endgame goal. People have wanted something like Pantheon for years. The Godslayer title is probably the best named title ever added to the game. To put an expiration on it is frustrating, exclusivity does not make content better, nor does it motivate people to do it because they are more likely to give up due to not having the time. Pantheon has proven that my clan members have things to work on to be able to handle that high tier level of difficulty, but when these difficulties only stay for a short time, it doesn't allow us to really practice and test our growth. In other words, if 1% of the community are the only ones clearing it and getting this now forced ultra rare title because of an arbitrary time limit, that doesn't sound like content that was successful, it just promotes elitism. It alienates the majority of players who probably could achieve it if they simply had more time. It's hard enough to where there's plenty of people who would never get it done, yet it pushes the limits of our capabilities to give us something to strive for, if it stayed and wasn't a limited time event. I could say the same for contest mode, it would be nice if it was a selectable difficulty instead of just 48 hrs, and if clan members got better they could test themselves in that just for the contest emblem as the only prize. Some people would probably be against that idea, but my logic is why are we barring people the ability to earn any reward in the game? The fomo model and the "you had to be there" mentality is what kills the motivation for people to want to keep playing. It's why the New Light system fails, and why I can't recommend new people to try Destiny. If you are the 1% with the shiny trophies because you were that good and had that much time, great job. But your flashy achievements don't mean anything to the other 99% when they are told they missed out for xyz reasons and can't earn those trophies for themselves. If Bungie cares about Destiny staying afloat, make content and rewards that stay around, and restore the content that was already removed or time restricted. Because when Final Shape is over, the state of the game is gonna be on a thin line, that many are already walking out on because they don't agree with it



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        • Really like it. Don’t think it should be an easier. Sorry but it’s a challenge for hardcore players. There is plenty of casual content so happy to see you cater for the hardcore ones too!



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          10 通の返信
          • Difficulty is fine so far and I like the changes like making more knights spawn in oryx, but throwing in a tormentor as a change isn't really my favorite. It just feels like throwing an annoying enemy at us instead of an actual change. I like the weekly modifiers too. I don't know if I'm going to think caretaker 2 floor is particularly fair in weeks 3 and 4, but I haven't played them yet. Week 3/4 bosses might need a timer extension for platinum. What I REALLY don't like is the arbitrary scoring system. If you're good enough to instantly nuke the boss like atraks in this week's pantheon, you should get plat.



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          • Sunburn Seastarにより編集済み: 5/12/2024 8:53:16 PM
            Sorry not relevant feedback misread.



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          • Crispy505_により編集済み: 5/12/2024 7:38:21 PM
            It's fantastic. Adding challenge back into the game is always welcome.



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          • Really great tbh, would love to see bungie innovative on these systems further, feels like the first step to what master mode should be.



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          • Alternate raid encounters (like weekly rotator would be cool) are pretty neat Explicator is way too dense in enemies, should of took out the Phalanxes or a bit of Psions, also the only change you did to it was add fire tornadoes and a Tormentor (it's got too much health... way too much) as much as i can see, was there anything else?



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            1 返信
            • From an experienced raider, pantheon is great. It gives a good experience for a mid-level lfg team. I quite enjoy playing it, if I have decent teammates. The only issue I've ran into comes from the teammates I get. As a result of being free to play, one will encounter more players who haven't done raids. As an example, I encountered likely 6-8 players who hadn't completed a raid, which I couldn't know without raid report. Perhaps mandating a clear of each raid where the respective boss comes from would improve the general lfg experience, but I also recognize that often on one's first clear of a raid, they may not know what's going on. The difficulty is fine. The idea of scoring seems a little out of place to me, given that the essence of pantheon is showing mastery over bosses, yet the scoring for Atraks, for example, incentives a less time effective strategy, whereas for caretaker, a team needs to two-floor him, indicated a better understanding of bursting bosses and improved damage windows. Overall, it's a great activity that I enjoy, yet the scoring system seems counterintuitive.



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              2 通の返信
              • Fix caretaker, its extremely difficult for people because time is horrible



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              • Remove the timer please so it can be played and enjoyed by all and not just the elites, thanks



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                3 通の返信
                • Really enjoyed it .The difficulty is spot on . 50 wave rewards on legend could be a little better. Overall 👍 from me.



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                • The amount of bugs in the event are off putting , getting platinum in the events and not regestering on the quests, planets not showing, Atracks is a mess, and most times teams need to go into orbit and return, plus why the new addition of tormentors if just to cause annoyance, raid bosses mechanics should have been left alone. and really 8 bosses for the final, when on average some teams take 5 to 6 hours just to clear the 5 bosses, I'm aware these can be easly done comfortably in under 2 hours, but how many players doing the event are at that level, so stright away all the new lights and new raiders are at a disadvantage giviing the added power levels of the bosses, many raiders who dont do day ones wont be doing week 4, hopefully in the final week the power level will return to nornal, which would at least give people a chance to earn the seal a little bit easier.



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                • Feels rewarding, even if a bit tedious. A test of endurance that exceeds most challenges commonly in the game. The first two weeks were still accessible to those willing to make a proper build and learn each encounter.. The loot makes it worth the effort. The emblems are great too. Some of the best ones you can earn. It's nice when things you can earn are of similar quality to what you can pay extra for. Give a reason to play. To grind.



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                • It's pretty fun so far. I think, though, that if "platinum" is achieved, that should be it. Not, "Hey, you got platinum, just not high score," which really is the point of it. Our group is chaotic (hence our clan name) and generally somewhat uncoordinated depending on the day, so it's been fun to see if we can actually do it or not. We raid a ton, but Pantheon forces us not to take our sweet a** time in places like we're used to. I also wish it wasn't a limited time thing... at least not 5 weeks limited. Overall, I like it so far.



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                • I can give feedback on why I haven't played it: A: Toxic gaming community. Raids require communication and coordinator with complete strangers. Real life ignorance and prejudice is just not worth gaming loot.



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                  7 通の返信
                  • It’s good. The encounters are fun and the drops are good. However the timer platinum setup causes more experienced players to exclude players who are new to the encounters which doesn’t foster a good community feel to it.



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                    1 返信
                    • It's alright and being ablw to get adepts is fun but don't think it's for me, it's very stressful. Mainly though it's the timer and feeling like you're expecting us to be absolutely perfect when let's be honest thebgame itself isn't even perfect. On the -20 one we better get a little bit more time, not a lot mind you maybe like 2 extra minutes or something because that could make a difference.



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                    • Chunkにより編集済み: 5/11/2024 5:33:41 PM
                      It was fun, pretty sure -10 is my clans limit but we'll keep going and try but -15 might be a stretch for us n contest mode -20 even with active surges def won't happen for us even with a week. Shame I would have liked the title. Good rewards n activity structure..



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