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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/24/2024 1:02:00 AM

Regarding Adept Weapons

Please Bungie for the love of all that is holy....STOP ADEPT WEAPON ROTATIONS! THE PROBLEM: There is so much FOMO in this game, it is absolutely ridiculous. Currently, if an adept Trials weapon comes around & you are unable to play or get the flawless done within those 93 hours, you must now wait TEN WEEKS to MAYBE even have another chance at it (8 Adept weapons plus 2 Iron Banners within that time frame). That is two and a half months! Chances are good we will be in the next season by the time you see it again, & it may not even be available anymore (since two weapons leave the loot pool each season). I currently have 1,124/1,125 weapons in my collections. The one weapon I'm missing is Prophet Adept. It finally comes back around, & I have limited playtime due to other family responsibilities this weekend. I hopped on last night, got to 6 wins, & then got the bug where it wont let you access the Trials node whatsoever unless you wipe your card. So I do that, get to 6 again, & whoops.....guitar error, server maintenance. Do you have any idea how bad it feels to be waiting for one specific weapon to come around, so you can finally complete your collections, only to miss out on it due to family obligations, bugs, & server maintenance? Now I can't get it until the new expansion launches. Remember when Luke Smith promised us that you would be getting rid of FOMO, since it was an admitted mistake? What happened to that? Everywhere I turn in this game, I see MORE FOMO! Not less. It's a cheap psychological trick designed to make players want to log in every weekend, but for me and my friends, it just makes us want to log out & no longer support your studio. THE SOLUTION: Everytime a player gets 7 wins on a passage, OR completes a GM nightfall, they receive an "Adept Token". They can then bring the Adept Token to either Saint-14, or Zavala & choose one random roll out of ANY adept weapon available during the seasonal lineup. This is much more respectful of the players playtime, & eliminates the FOMO that absolutely everyone despises! You even already have a currency in the game called Adept Nightfall Ciphers, so just use those. P.S.- While we are at it, get rid of the raid & dungeon rotator. Make them all farmable every week. That's another thing that makes you wait 8 weeks if you miss it. Ridiculous! Given how things are going right now at the studio fiscally, I would think you'd want to attract as many players as possible with good will & common sense. There must be something I just dont see I guess. Bungie....please heavily consider my idea for getting rid of FOMO with Adept weapons. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk LOL



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • [quote]Please Bungie for the love of all that is holy....STOP ADEPT WEAPON ROTATIONS! THE PROBLEM: There is so much FOMO in this game, it is absolutely ridiculous. Currently, if an adept Trials weapon comes around & you are unable to play or get the flawless done within those 93 hours, you must now wait TEN WEEKS to MAYBE even have another chance at it (8 Adept weapons plus 2 Iron Banners within that time frame). That is two and a half months! Chances are good we will be in the next season by the time you see it again, & it may not even be available anymore (since two weapons leave the loot pool each season). I currently have 1,124/1,125 weapons in my collections. The one weapon I'm missing is Prophet Adept. It finally comes back around, & I have limited playtime due to other family responsibilities this weekend. I hopped on last night, got to 6 wins, & then got the bug where it wont let you access the Trials node whatsoever unless you wipe your card. So I do that, get to 6 again, & whoops.....guitar error, server maintenance. Do you have any idea how bad it feels to be waiting for one specific weapon to come around, so you can finally complete your collections, only to miss out on it due to family obligations, bugs, & server maintenance? Now I can't get it until the new expansion launches. Remember when Luke Smith promised us that you would be getting rid of FOMO, since it was an admitted mistake? What happened to that? Everywhere I turn in this game, I see MORE FOMO! Not less. It's a cheap psychological trick designed to make players want to log in every weekend, but for me and my friends, it just makes us want to log out & no longer support your studio. THE SOLUTION: Everytime a player gets 7 wins on a passage, OR completes a GM nightfall, they receive an "Adept Token". They can then bring the Adept Token to either Saint-14, or Zavala & choose one random roll out of ANY adept weapon available during the seasonal lineup. This is much more respectful of the players playtime, & eliminates the FOMO that absolutely everyone despises! You even already have a currency in the game called Adept Nightfall Ciphers, so just use those. P.S.- While we are at it, get rid of the raid & dungeon rotator. Make them all farmable every week. That's another thing that makes you wait 8 weeks if you miss it. Ridiculous! Given how things are going right now at the studio fiscally, I would think you'd want to attract as many players as possible with good will & common sense. There must be something I just dont see I guess. Bungie....please heavily consider my idea for getting rid of FOMO with Adept weapons. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk LOL[/quote] Yeah well bungo isn't known for having common sense as for good will towards the player base , u have better hope that hell will freeze over first before Bungo ever shows any good will towards the player base.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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