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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
5/9/2023 7:00:38 PM

Winter's Shroud (Hunter aspect)

A while back Bungie decided to move buff Winter's shroud by making it give 2 fragment slots instead of 1 which was indeed a very nice change especially since I've been using it since it came out (I am still using it today) But looking at Winter's shroud as an aspect it doesn't really do much, it applies 40 slow stacks when you dodge near enemies which does have some utility, especially if you run a melee build but for an aspect I'm sure most would agree it's quite lackluster so I would love to hear what everyone else thinks. I will first give an idea for a small buff I would give it then you guys can either agree or disagree but I would love to see what ideas you guys have :) I have 2 ideas for a buff: 1) You gain class ability energy depending on how many enemies you end up slowing from your dodge maybe 7,5% energy back per enemy hit. 2) While you have applied slow to an enemy you gain a small buff to your class ability regen. This will work from slow applied from Withering blade, and duskfield too. (Talking about a 10-20% energy regen speed)



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