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5/25/2024 3:01:28 AM

Broken parental controls on PS5, voice chat will not turn on

I am trying to get voice chat to work for my eleven year old on PS5. I know that Bungie implemented their new parental controls, and I have followed all the steps outlined on this website. He is able to join my fireteam, accept invites, etc, but voice chat is disabled, despite taking the following actions... --He has a account with his age and all info entered. --His account is linked to my account. --I am verified as his "responsible adult" and control his permissions --I have ticked the box to allow voice chat in the bungie parental controls. --I have received the message that the settings changes have been saved. After reading about various problems with these controls I have also tried the following on our PS5.... --I have temporarily disabled parental restrictions for his account via the toggle in the console's "account settings". --When that did not work, I removed all parental controls for the console. --I have also removed all parental controls at the account level through sony's website. --I have confirmed the console system software is up to date. --I have renewed/refreshed all licenses --I have de-authorized then reauthorized online features for the console (per a couple youtube videos that suggested it as a fix). --I have fully closed and relaunched Destiny 2 several times. --I have synced the save data and confirmed the game version is up to date. --I have shut down and restarted the console multiple times. Despite all of this, the in-game toggle for voice chat (the one under "Social" in the settings menu) is set to "off" and immediately toggles itself to "off" every time I try to change it. To the best of my knowledge I have done everything I need to to make voice chat available to him and it still does not work. The only other thing I can think of is deleting and reinstalling the game, but 1) I can't imagine how that will help since all the account information exists on bungie's servers, and 2) I can't just re-download 145 GB like it's nothing. Do I really need to? Or is this feature just busted? If it matters, when we play together, I play on Steam while he plays on PS5. Voice chat worked fine before the parental controls were put into place.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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