Im curious why max stacks of frost amour only gives you a 35% damage reduction (8 stacks), when woven mail gives you 45%. To get the 35% you also need the whisper of rime fragment or else you're stuck at 22% damage reduction (5 stacks.) It's also really frustrating that woven mail seems to be easier to get (orb pick-ups, exotics and some fragments.) Not to mention that its almost impossible to get 8 stacks of frost amour on Titan with rime because your tectonic harvest goes on cooldown after 6 crystal shatters. The only reason I think these stats are the way they are is because stasis shards are shared across players, unlike the other pickups. If your whole fireteam creates stasis shards then you could have max stacks of frost armour indefinitely, which is cool. The issue is that if you are the only person on the team making stasis shards then you are playing on a subclass that is weaker without help from other players' stasis shard generation. I'm just confused as to why stasis shards are the only pickup that is shared. It feels disheartening when you take a while to build up 8 stacks and then a strand titan can just throw a tangle at its feet to get 10% more resilience than you instantly. My main issue is that stasis is the only subclass that is weaker when only one person on the team is running it and the issue seems to stem from shards being shared so just make them a local-only resource like the other ones and then buff the resistance and decrease the shard creation cooldown time. It seems stupid to have a big headache trying to balance this because of the potential of the whole fire team abusing stasis shard creation when you fix the issue by making it like the other pick-ups.
Main points:
•Make stasis shards local only resource not shared
•buff damage resistance on frost armour
I think this is my first post on the official forums, haha. Frost Armor was not fully thought out. It's competing against Woven Mail and Void Overshield for the damage reduction department. Woven Mail is a higher percentage and is acquired easily, whereas Void Overshield is worse only because the health of the Void Overshields isn't high enough. From a mechanic standpoint, I think Frost Armor would have a good spot if each stack decayed individually as if you're slowly thawing out of the armor. It didn't help that Frost Armor also necessitates Whisper of Rime when building for it, this should never be the case. Woven Mail and Void Overshield don't require a Fragment to get the most value out of them which allows more options in your builds. This Fragment requires a rework otherwise building for Frost Armor is already at a disadvantage. Stasis was lacking in a strong defense and Frost Armor became an afterthought to fill that void. Renewal Grasps was nerfed to make room for it and I don't know why. Ballidorse Wrathweavers immediately give you and your team their max count of Frost Armor but that's irrelevant if it's going away fast and doesn't provide anything else. Whisper of Chains also suffered because they wanted to make damage reduction more universal, meanwhile in the same patch made Winter's Shroud provide a generic damage reduction buff that is not Frost Armor. I have more thoughts but I think this captures them well enough.
It's actually funny how bad it is compared to woven mail. One way they could fix it is to only make one stack of it expire each time the timer is up, that way it has longer uptime than woven mail, but is balanced by giving less DR. Currently it takes too much to keep max stacks compared to woven mail. Either that or give it some kind of other buff to balance the fact that it's harder to upkeep and objectively worse than WM.
Kiro - 13により編集済み: 6/17/2024 5:08:27 PMFrost armor is a nerf to renewals, in a piece meal way. First whisper of chains was nerf'd specifically because of titans with Hoarfrost-Z to 5% from 10%. Second they made frost armor build up over time vs instantaneously applied. Lastly you need whisper of rime. It does have positive notes, well just one. Frost Armor now persists outside of the duskfield. Bungie keeps saying they want to bring stasis up to par but all I have seen is 1 step forward two back every time. Make whisper of torment more consistent but nerf it by making it -10 discipline. Improved consistency on shuriken then nerf whisper of shards removing the 10 resilience stat bonus & nerfing touch of winter coldsnaps. You want some feed back or answers & not just complaints? •Revert the stat penalty/stat removal changes to fragments. •Make duskfields slow a target longer then 1 second. •Maybe think about increasing shatterdive's fragment slots to 3 since you more or less devastated its effects.
Bungie logic : ''Thank you for your comment, we hear you, woven mail will be nerfed so frost armour feels stronger.'' I still prefer how renewal grasp used to work, the damage resist was instant, no need to build stacks while getting shot at, even if the DR was smaller than the current potential 35% DR at max stacks.
Yea let's revamp Stasis and not give each class a new melee what everyone mostly asked for This better be the last light supers we get Strand and Stasis falling way behind them on super options
[quote]Im curious why max stacks of frost amour only gives you a 35% damage reduction (8 stacks), when woven mail gives you 45%. To get the 35% you also need the whisper of rime fragment or else you're stuck at 22% damage reduction (5 stacks.) It's also really frustrating that woven mail seems to be easier to get (orb pick-ups, exotics and some fragments.) Not to mention that its almost impossible to get 8 stacks of frost amour on Titan with rime because your tectonic harvest goes on cooldown after 6 crystal shatters. The only reason I think these stats are the way they are is because stasis shards are shared across players, unlike the other pickups. If your whole fireteam creates stasis shards then you could have max stacks of frost armour indefinitely, which is cool. The issue is that if you are the only person on the team making stasis shards then you are playing on a subclass that is weaker without help from other players' stasis shard generation. I'm just confused as to why stasis shards are the only pickup that is shared. It feels disheartening when you take a while to build up 8 stacks and then a strand titan can just throw a tangle at its feet to get 10% more resilience than you instantly.[/quote] Woven mail has less uptime and a shorter duration. Shards also heal you.